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McLAREN M630 V6 HYBRID : McLaren’s first series-produced hybrid, the Artura, is a big step toward range-wide electrification by 2025, but the powertrain posed big challenges for the OEM’s traditional strengths in lightweighting. Chief engineer, Geoff Grose, gives ETI the full development story on the hybrid system that pairs a new V6 with axial flux e-motor technology.
GROUPE RENAULT : As Groupe Renault prepares itself for a future without combustion engines, the brand’s head of engineering, Gilles Le Borgne, details plans to offer up a suite of electrification options with affordability at its core. And it all begins with the return of the 5 hatchback.
CONTROL SYSTEMS : Sophisticated hybrid powertrain supervisory control devices have highly complex demands to deal with. Experts from Ricardo, GKN, Vitesco and more outline how new material solutions and connected technologies are expected to bring advances in efficiency and predictive management.
BATTERY DEVELOPMENT : The development of hybrid batteries is set to go in new directions, with a shift to new materials and the arrival of more intelligent management systems. Industry specialists from Hyundai, Eatron and NAWA discuss the technologies ensuring that the next generation of batteries offer greater range, faster charging speeds and a longer lifespan.
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